Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Here are two sketches of Audrey Tautou
Enjoy :)


Tooninator said...

well well well. Nice to see some new work Anne.

I like the graphic feel of these-the dark darks and the light lights. If this is the look you're going for...then awesome.

If you're rendering these out with full shading as sort of realistic, I challenge you to take a chance and be brave with the pencil. Don't be afraid to lay some shading in areas of the face. You're losing the noses a bit.

Like I said though...f-anne-tastic.

f-ANNE-tastic said...

Thanks Matt
Yeah that was the look I was going for. I did it all in black prismacolor pencil
also, in the photographs I used for reference you'd notice that you can't really see the nose in either photo, I'm not "afraid" to take a chance, I purposely sketched it the way I did.
Thanks again :)